Irish author, journalist, and writing mentor Geraldine Walsh lends her expertise and passion for writing.
Geraldine provides one-to-one online support for writers and authors. She offers bespoke services at a distance to challenge, guide, and support writers at all stages of their careers.
A talking telephone was the hero of the very first story I wrote. In a manic twist, the telephone misplaced its voice. The irony and metaphor was lost on me considering I was eight years old, but I was very proud of that first story. So, I wrote another, and another and soon enough I had a shoe box full of stories which were loosely rolled into frayed scrolls and tied together with ribbon.
Over time, the box was lost. Perhaps hidden under an attic beam or accidently tipped into the recycling. My love of words, however, has never been lost.
I grew up reading the dictionary and thumbing the thesaurus. Black ink was always on my fingers and smudged against my hand. I never went anywhere without a notebook; I still don't!
Writing is my life.
Over the years my short stories and poetry have been published in literary journals including Toasted Cheese, Agenda, Boyne Berries, and was highly commended in the 2009 Fish Anthology Ten Pint Ted. While my writing has evolved over the years towards non-fiction and journalism, I continue to write fiction and poetry with a debut novel in the works.
In 2018, I quit my 12-year career as a Medical Librarian in the Obstetrics, Nursing, and Midwifery sector to pursue writing full-time. What began with a talking telephone has resulted in a career spanning Journalism, Content Creation, Ghostwriting and Editing. Not forgetting, general dogsbody to our two kids.
Those twelve years exploring research, compiling literature, and navigating databases have not been lost as I use those skills throughout my writing career. In fact, it was as a librarian that I had the opportunity to sharpen my writing and editing skills while undertaking historical projects, exhibits, and non-fictional works, while also writing poetry and prose at the Irish Writer's Centre during my lunch hour.
I routinely write for a variety of leading magazines, newspapers and websites, including The Irish Times, Irish Examiner, Mums & Tots, and more. Based on my published articles, I have contributed to radio interviews, podcasts, and I have sat on the Ireland: AM couch.
My love for writing expands into helping others fulfil their dream of being a published author. I am honoured to be a Writing Mentor and Coach and Editor, meaning I can hold a writer's hand in this isolating journey and help them perfect their manuscript for publishing.
As a Coach and Mentor, I guide writers through the book-writing process and help anyone who needs extra support to finally write The End. I encourage authors to commit to their book, write their book, format it, structure it, and overcome any obstacles they may hit along the way.
As an editor, I lend my expertise in supporting first-time authors and those who have been published before in fine-tuning their manuscripts for their readers. From the full developmental edit to proofreading and everything in between, I give my absolute critical eye to your manuscript.
I am a writer by nature, a graphic designer by chance, an all-around sci-fi nerd and a lover of robots and steampunk. I am most unsure about what I am doing with my hair, but going from a buzzcut to a faux hawk certainly makes me stand out - Just like my writing style.
I love my job. I pour my heart and soul into all I do. And because I work from an office at home, my two daughters are growing up watching their mum write words, create dreams, and make friendships along the way.
I make that extra effort to work alongside my clients not just for the project at hand but for the future.
My first non-fiction book, Unraveling Motherhood, was published by Hatherleigh Press, 2023. Unraveling considers motherhood to be a tightly woven knot of physical, mental, emotional, and social changes and seeks to unravel that knot.
I am also a facilitator with the Irish Writers Centre, teaching courses on journalism and non-fiction.
Top 100 Bridport Novel Award, 2024
Shortlist Bridport Flash Fiction Prize, 2024
Awardee IWC National Mentoring Programme, 2024
Longlist Fish Publishing Flash Fiction Prize 2024
Nominee Women of Vision "Inspirational Mentor" 2024
Finalist Mental Health Media Awards 2023
Top 100 Inspiring Women of Ireland 2019
Finalist Mental Health Media Awards 2019
Finalist Family Friendly Ireland Awards 2019
Shortlist Blog Awards Ireland 2018
Longlist Boots Maternity and Infant Awards 2018
Shortlist V by Very Blog Awards Ireland 2017
Shortlist Maternity and Infant Awards 2017
Winner Realex Payments Web Awards 2016
‘Best Original Writing for a Website’
Finalist Littlewoods Ireland Blog Awards 2016
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